Marine Insight eBooks FAQ

  • What is an eBook?

An electronic book (e-book or digital book) is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through, and readable on computers or Mobile App based on the version you have purchased. If the pdf version is purchased, it can be easily transferred from one electronic device to another.

  • Does Marine Insight provide printed copies/hard copies of eBooks?

No, presently we only offer eBooks and do not have printed, hard copies. We provide ebooks in PDF and App-based reading format. For PDF purchases, you can take printouts of the eBooks but cannot make multiple copies of them intended for more than one user.

  • What is the format of your eBooks?

Portable Document Format (PDF), APP-based reading format (Marine Insight Mobile App)

  • Why some ebooks are not available in PDF format?

All our in-house eBooks are available in PDF format for ease of access. However, most of our partner publishers offer eBooks exclusively through the Marine Insight Mobile App to protect their content and prevent copyright issues.

  • I am not able to purchase the eBooks. What should I do?

For the ease of our customers in buying ebooks, we have provided two payment gateways – PayPal and Stripe. You can use any of the two gateways. However, note that some might only accept credit cards and select debit cards for making the purchase.

  • I have a debit card, can I purchase the eBooks?

Unfortunately, we only accept credit cards and selected debit cards for now. You can make a FREE account with PayPal and use it for purchasing eBooks. We have recently started accepting debit cards/net banking for Indian users.

  • I do not have a credit card but I want to buy the eBooks. Is there an option available for the same?

If you do not have a credit card, you can get help from a friend or a colleague. If for some reason you do not want to seek that option, then as the last resort, we can provide our “Bank Account Details” for direct bank transfer or wire transfer of funds. If you want to use this option, send us a email at for more information.

  • I have downloaded the PDF file, but I am not able to open it. What should I do?

Kindly note that the original file that is downloaded from the link is a “Zip file”. The eBook and other contents (If applicable) are inside this file. You will need an file-extracting software such as winzip or winrar to extract the contents from this file. File extraction software tools are available online for FREE download.

  • I am not able to download the file from the link provided to me. What should I do?

In order to avoid misuse of the downloading links, we allow only three chances to download the purchased ebook. However, if because of any reason, your three chances are exhausted, please contact us at and we will renew the link. Kindly note that we will renew the link only once as we feel three or six chances are more than enough to download any ebook.

  • The file I have downloaded is asking for password to access. What should I do?

None of our inhouse ebooks is password protected. If you are being asked for a password to access the file, it is because your PDF reader or file extraction software has been set to a default password. Please disable it and you will be able to access the files. If you are still facing the problem, we would request you to try opening the files on some other system. We have checked our files on various operating systems to ensure that they are accessible without any hindrance. ( Note: eBooks under “Marine Insight Partnership Program” can be password protected. This is to prevent misuse)

  • I am able to extract the files but not able to open them. What should I do?

You will require a PDF reader such as ADOBE to read the PDF files.

  • Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, we do have a refund policy. If for any reason, you feel that the ebook you purchased is not for you or you are not satisfied with the content provided, just sent us an email at Please note that the refund might take 7-10 working days to appear in your account depending on the bank.

Our eBooks are used by Maritime Professionals from:











