A Guide To
Third Officer Onboard Ships
Deck Officer Series

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A Guide To Third Officer Onboard Ships Deck Officer Series

Lack of proper communication is one of the main reasons for accidents on board ships.

According to a study, ineffective communication has been the reason for 35% of accidents at sea.

Several people have lost their lives and cargo worth millions have been lost at sea because of deficits in communication.

Misunderstanding or a total lack of understanding among crew members because of at unavailability of a common language, signs and symbols can make the matter worse.

If you are a maritime professional working on board, it is extremely important that you follow a standard communication protocol when it comes to inter-personal , ship-to-ship or ship-to-shore communication.

Though there is a “Standard Maritime Communication Phrases” adopted by the industry, most of the ocean going professionals are not aware of the same.

Also, a lot of important shipboard operations and procedures require a set of sequential communication steps to be followed which is often missed by the professionals, eventually leading to unwanted incidents.

Considering the importance of effective communication among seafarers of various ranks on board ships and in order to avoid accidents at sea, we have created this digital guide written by a very experienced master mariner.

The main aim of this guide is to reduce the problems related to language barriers on ships and to avoid misunderstandings that can cause accidents.

What do we cover in this eBook?


Picture of Abhishek Bhanawat, Master Mariner

Abhishek Bhanawat, Master Mariner

Abhishek Bhanawat is a Master Mariner and a Law graduate. He has authored and edited several maritime books and has been actively writing on various aspects of Maritime Trade and Industry. His contributions to Maritime industry is backed by his knowledge of Maritime Law combined with a vast seagoing experience of 15 years.

Chapters in Detail

Part -I – Inter-crew communication on ship

Part II – Ship-to-ship communication

Part III –Ship-to-shore communication

Here are the 4 FREE bonuses you get with this eBook

Bonus 1 : How To Be Avoid Stress And Be Happy At Sea (Original Price - $9.99)

how to avoid stress - final copy (1)

Bonus 2: How To Manage Conflict At Sea (Original Price $9.99)

how to avoid conflicts copy

Bonus 3: Travel Safety For Seafarers (Original price - $4.99)


Bonus 4: Checklists / Real Life Incidents (Original price - $7.99)

Reviews on " A Guide To Effective Communication On Ship - For Deck Department"

"A Guide to Effective Communication On Ships" will prove to be an important tool in the hands of seafarers and other people related directly or indirectly to the maritime industry. The topics covered will enable mariners to overcome setbacks faced at sea and establish a strong team culture onboard. A must have book for all officers .
Captain Vasant Kumar
Captain Vasant Kumar, Master Mariner , Front line Tankers.
"Often accidents and errors happen onboard and investigations reveal that a major lapse in communication propagates the error chain. Thus, communication becomes a vital factor and "A Guide to Effective Communication on Ships" covers all aspects required by seafarers and allied professionals to master techniques of communication and thus breaks the error chain of accidents."
Chief Engineer Pankaj Kumar
Chief Engineer Pankaj Kumar, Marine and Technical superintendent , Union Maritime Ltd.
"Excellent ebook on creating awareness about good communication practices amongst seafarers. A very important one which highlights factors affecting communication techniques in a structured manner and thereon providing effective ways to master them."
Captain Rishi Kashyap
Captain Rishi Kashyap, Master Mariner

A Guide To Third Officer Onboard Ships Deck Officer Series

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